Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Talk of the Hill Presents: TED.com & Social Media

 TED. com is a favorite site of the show and this talk in particular, given by Clay Shirky, is spot on about how the internet and social media sites have forever changed our world. Enjoy!


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Talk of the Hill

 My name is Joshua Samuels and I am currently developing a web-based daytime talk show for Kenyon College entitled, "Talk of the Hill." The show follows some of the most fascinating people and noteworthy on-goings at Kenyon College. 

As creator, executive producer, and host some of the goals I have for the show include:

1) serving as a bridge of communication and understanding between students and administration.

2) showcasing the different qualities and characteristics that make Kenyon both unique and just like other small liberal arts colleges around the nation.

3) becoming a "Middle Ground" on which serious issues, which do in some way affect Kenyon, can be addressed. 

4) acting as an outlet for "Kenyon Pride" 

5) serving as a platform on which administration, parents, faculty, staff, students and alumni, like yourself, can share their personal stories-triumphs and setbacks- with others.

The show is meant to be both informative and entertaining! On "Talk of the Hill" we are interested in joyful personal growth!

For the month of August, we have Jennifer Delahunty, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid as well as S. Georgia Nugent, President of Kenyon College as the first two guests on the show!

If you have further questions, please utilize the contact info below. Thanks so much for your cooperation and understanding!



P.S-We also have a Facebook page and group! Just type in "Talk of the Hill"